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maham.shahid has asked 16 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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Solving problems, building stuff, and using creative ideas to tell a story is something I particularly enjoy. Be it creating a new software application or automating a task or creating a short film - everything I do is an attempt at implementing an idea or telling a story. I love taking up challenges which help me learn and grow both professionally, and personally.

Storytelling is my passion. And so is software engineering, which is my core. These 2 together, help me understand the dynamics of creating successful digital media products. From the conception of an idea, to design, implementation and finally marketing - I’ve had the chance to work on all stages of the product life-cycle.

Having worked in both technical and business sides of startups, I understand that products which provide a great user experience and seamlessly integrate the essence of the company's mission win over customer loyalty. Which is is why while building something, I always try to keep the user perspective in mind and adapt accordingly.

Other than building stuff, I love playing video games. I'm also a huge Star Wars fan.

maham.shahid answers