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Luca Basso Ricci

Luca Basso Ricci has asked 0 questions and find answers to 105 problems.


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I had interest in C/C++ during high school, I'm working as developer since 1998.

2016-now: I'm working on a basic debugger for DSL using JDI.

2014-2016: Small project focused on XBRL files production.
Built a stand-alone engine for XBRL.
Engine is capable to parse XBRL taxonomies and read/write XBRL instance files.

2010-2014: I have worked on a data conversion program from legacy system software heavly based on SQL/Hibernate/Spring written in Java.
Advanced use of Spring framework and its built-in aspect programming.
This program was thought and written from scratch only by me,so I was involved not only as developer but also as architect.

2009-2010: Worked on a CASE suite used to create tax programs based on data models and DSL.
I had a deep experience about application engineering and embedded DSL creation with ANTLR (as part of a CASE suite used to create tax programs based on data models).

2004-2009: Worked as web developer with Java/Hibernate/Spring for server side and JSP/CSS/Prototype on client side.

1998-2004: I started with C++/MFC for various client application.
MS/Access and SQLServer for data storage and COM for modules inter-operability.