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Luan Nguyen

Luan Nguyen has asked 1 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Full-stack Software Developer with over 5 years of experience helping startups build and scale their products, streamline their process with Agile and grow their engineering teams. My specialities include Web technologies such as Django, JavaScript, Heroku and AWS; UX design & prototyping with Figma, Storybook; as well as Data Analysis using Python and R.

Besides work, I contribute to open source projects on GitHub, one of which is robber.py, an assertion library for Python. I am also interested in these technologies: serverless, micro-services, crypto and blockchain, and machine learning for geographical data.

My skills:

5+ years experience in:

  • Full-stack web development: Python (Django, Flask) and JavaScript (jQuery, AngularJS, Angular, React), HTML5 and CSS3;
  • Scrum and Extreme Programming Agile management process for small and medium-sized teams;
  • Behavior-driven and Test-driven Development (BDD/TDD);
  • Amazon Web Services and Heroku.

2+ years experience:

  • Data Analysis with Python (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib) and R;
  • SQL tuning and optimisation for PostgreSQL and MySQL.