IT executive with more than 25 years of experience developing products for complex and mission critical applications in diverse industries such as Banking and Insurance, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Retail and NGO's.
Develop applications and platforms supporting massive scale with millions of concurrent users and complex and mission critical operations working with distributed agile multi-cultural teams based in onshore, nearshore and offshore. Work with startups and corporates.
Key competencies: Digital Transformation, Agile Implementation, Cloud Migration, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Perl, Moose, Catalyst, Template::Tolkit, DBIx::Class, Kanban, DSDM, Scrum, XP, Debian, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Microservices, Spring, Hybernate, JPA, Angular, Java, JavaScript, NodeJS, Cloud, Containers, IOT, DataWareHouse, ETL, Business Inteligence, Service Management, Project Management, Product Management, Innovation Management, Contract Management and OffShoring.