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I'm Software Development Lead at routeRANK Ltd, Lausanne, Switzerland. Since 2011 I've been involved in the coordination, development and delivery of several successful projects on door-to-door, multi-modal travel planner and commuter planning solution for different businesses.

As a technical lead, I'm trying to keep myself aware of the big picture, grokking newly available technologies, architectures, tools and best practices that have potential values for current projects. For me the selection of the right solution and tool to solve the problem at hand is not only for yourself but for the team as a whole, considering the trade-off between the cost, quality, and implementation time of the solution.

As a hands-on polyglot developer, I use multiple languages and technologies in my work including Javascript/Typescript/Node.Js, Java, Ruby, Golang, PHP and UNIX shell-scripting. I see learning a language as an effective way to widen my knowledge and open my mind with new ways to approach and solve the problems. I found Javascript surprisingly interesting due to its secretly being a functional programming language. Ruby is a beauty with lots of hidden charms that are easy to misuse. Java is strict yet a great and reliable companion in bigger projects. I'm also appreciating the power of Scala, the laziness of Haskell and the elegance of Elixir's actor model when playing with them on my leisure time.

My previous PhD work at EPFL was on decentralized reputation-based trust management and data access control in online peer-to-peer social networks. I'm also interested in the use blockchain technologies, particularly in using of cryptocurrency-based smart contracts in practical applications.