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Leighner has asked 1 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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Three words: I Love Code

Some of the projects I've worked on

I've spearheaded and developed the multi tenanting feature, which allowed dozens of contact centres to use a single server machine instead of allowing only one contact centre to use a single machine. this opened up our company to sell to a whole new market of smaller contact centres for higher margins with lower costs to the customer.

I helped bring new media types to the call centre servers. Allowing SMS and Emails to be routed and sent to agents as to provide the best customer experience.

I've resolved over 700 bugs during my time at PrairieFyre and Mitel. I've reduced technical debt by performing large scale refactoring, new unit tested areas of code, as well as optimizing previously slow code.

My core Technologies C#, SQL. MySQL, WPF, Windows, Forms, WCF, CSLA, Java

Do I have the skills you're looking for? Good. Now let me tell you about what I'm looking for in a company.

I love to work with people, A strong team, with manager that Is willing to get their coding hands dirty. I want to like the coworkers I have to spend 8 hours a day with, so I like to gel with whomever they are.
Meetings can be useful, but they can bog real production down if there are too many. I also like a relaxed space where I can feel comfortable to do what I do best, write and design code. I actually became more productive when I started working from home last year. I want to know who I'm writing my software for. Software can only be useful if it's written with an end user. I'm love using the latest tools, software, processes, and hardware; I hope my company does as well ie Resharper, Visual Studio 2015, .net 5, etc. The language for me isn't important. I'll work with whatever it is I'm given, as long as it lets me express my creativity.