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Lee Hounshell

Lee Hounshell has asked 0 questions and find answers to 10 problems.


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I am interested in remote work Android Developer opportunities.

I completed my Certified Android Developer Nano degree from Udacity+Google on July 28, 2016.

I'm a highly experienced Senior Software Engineer, proficient in a range of technologies. Since 2015, I've successfully transitioned my career from Backend Developer to Android Developer.

I bring years of software development experience, and an awareness of perspective, helping teams with design and implementation of systems, worldwide. I am a positive, professional team player with proven record of excellence and dependability.

I first started programming using small machines back in high-school: Intel 8080 machine-language in the late 70's, then a programmable TI-59 calculator and an Apple II - which I traded my first car for. Those machines also had very limited resources. Working with Android reminds me of those days, as it can be a challenge to turn ideas into working systems. My choice of Android as a career direction is greatly complemented by my experience designing and building large systems. And it's just plain fun.

• Specialties: Android App Development - see examples of my work at https://github.com/leehounshell Hi-performance network programming, Linux, C, C++, J2EE, Python, Hadoop Hi-performance scalable backend creation in C, C++, Java and Python 3D animation

• Notable Accomplishments: I recently designed, built and programmed an Android controlled robot with AI vision and speech recognition ability.

I built a Python and C++ system for ‘device ID flattening and lookup’ across 2 billion devices on 64 Postgres shards.

I built a custom RHEL5 64-bit Linux kernel with a custom ioctl API, modifications for TCP/IP performance, TCP options control, and number of connections.

I co-designed and built a high-performance scalable Linux web server in 'C' that is able to look-up, transform, serve and log 50K transactions per second (average latency of 20 microseconds).