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Krik has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Been working with computers for over 25 years now. Started out just building and repairing PC's. Later I moved into building and setting up small business servers, both Windows and Linux servers. My first attempts at programing were in the early 1990's, with Q-Basic. Shortly after that I stared working with HTML and building websites. I have been building web sites and web applications for over 20 years, now. Currently I am proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL. In that same time various projects and personal interests have lead me to opportunities to also work with LUA, C++, C#, XML, Python, Ruby and Assembly.

Currently, I am working on replacing an old windows based program that handles customer; scheduling, invoicing, routing and payments. And replaces it with a semi-cloud based solution. Meaning, it will run on an in-office server (linux) and on a cloud server and both will sync frequently. This allows the office to keep working in the event of internet service outages (or slow downs), while still allowing for remove access for service technicians, and is inherently redundant in the even of... One of the bigger parts was to allow users to make templates in OpenOffice, for invoices, billing statements, ect., then parse the odt file, populating it with information from a database, and output everything in a PDF. It will also tie into a website that will allow customers to sign in and make payments check on upcoming services and find any current deals.

On the side I am tinkering with 3D graphics, in Blender, and building games. On the game building side I have tried out Cry Engine, Unreal Engine, and Unity.