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avatar of KrazyMax


KrazyMax has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I work as an airspace designer/manager for Paris Area Control Center

Coding by night for fun, to learn always and to accomplish personal projects.

Was taught coding with OCaml, Unix, ADA and Java.

Self-educated in Python, Django, React.js, Docker and Docker-Compose.

Dreaming to find as passionate people as I am to work with on projects which have meaning, beside work.

Code does not summarize my entire life:

  • I love sports: running into the wild during hours and hours, riding my bike, swimming, rowing... A few hours of sport everyday is mandatory!

  • Being a gamer since my childhood: N64, X360, PS4, Xbox one, 3DS, PS Vita, PC... I'm just a geek with a wage in fact! Love gaming? Have a look on my project Meet2Geek, a web app which purpose is to help gamers meet together and have epic gaming sessions, IRL or online! English version in coming.

  • Travelling makes one's mind: I enjoy going abroad every once in a while. This also includes visiting my family, sleeping in the mountain during a weekend... But not too much, as I do not want my way of leaving to impact too much the environment.