#SOreadytohelp Curious and here to learn.
"...But, you see, I was not trying to program in C++, I was trying to find the right way to deal with software..." --Alexander Stepanov
Im mainly interested insolving large scale problems. Arch and system design interests.
My Language interests are Golang, JavaScript, C++. lately wanting to become a
you can get in touch through kou4307@gmail.com
Useful links :
Bahmni(Hospital Management System)
State Machine Architecture(labview) - a very good design pattern in labview(my favourite)
TMP(Todd Veldhuizen)
STL(SGI) - a must read doc. The best reference on how to design, organise and document your code in my opinion.
Numerical recepies in c - An awesome book but requires significant amount of time to read.
BoostCon at youtube