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Kjell Derous

Kjell Derous has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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At the age of 22 I got my bachelor degree in computer science. Since then I'm working in the software industry as a fullstack developer.

On my first job I had the assignment to create a planning board for one of the biggest players in the transport sector in Belgium. Today they still use this planning board and every time I see a truc of theirs on the road I get a satisfied feeling.

Now I have been working for a number of years for an employer who builds (mainly ticketing)software for the leisure industry.

In addition to my professional career I'm continuously investing in myself. I believe it is important to build up knowledge about all kinds of things. With this in mind, I also learn about topics that have nothing to do with computer science (fe. soft skills, finances and even some basic construction working).