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kimrgrey has asked 1 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I'm an experienced Ruby-on-Rails developer and a big fan of open source. The main scope of my professional interests includes designing of REST APIs and development of different e-commerce projects. Software development is my profession because I'm highly interested in the creation of cool and useful things.

You can lookout My Github profile here: https://github.com/kimrgrey.

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kimrgrey.

I tend to have my free time only in the weekend so i take this time for the development of my own projects . such as..

Development of blogging platform: https://rathole.io. I use this project to test new versions of Rails and different gems. It's very useful to have some alive but not very important project if you want to try something new.

Maintaining of the friendly_id ruby gem. Take a look at this link for additional details: https://github.com/norman/friendly_id.

Development of site that contains videos of English Lessons and announcements of speaking clubs: http://citi-english.com.

I will be glad to work for any team that welcomes contribution to an open source projects.

Besides programming I have another passion - it's reading =) I usually read at least 2 books per month. I also spend part of my free time cycling and climbing.

Feel free to contact me here or via other social networks should any questions arise.