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KidCache has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Communication, broken down to its most rudimentary form, is simply being able to send, interpret, and return responses effectively. This also happens to be the same architecture that the internet is based on. It is with this in mind, that I have dedicated the last 9 years of my life to understanding the intricacies of this semi-tangible network.

The internet is now interactive, asynchronous, and mobile; allowing us to almost transcend our own consciousness at times. However, when I first picked up a web development book from my father's home library, the internet was a much different ecosystem. I have been fortunate to grow with the natural progression of web and mobile development and the best practices that govern great design and usability.

My craft is my passion, my sustenance, and part of my creative expression. Pixel perfect is not good enough in a world where people rely on what happens after the interaction. Coming from a graphic design background has helped me understand that the aesthetic is the way in which one's message is conveyed and is indelible to a successful user experience.

KidCache questions