I am a full-stack developer who loves to code and solve problems. I have been working full time for 4 years as a Software Engineer and currently working full time as a Sr. Software Developer. I like to explore multiple technologies and so have worked on Azure and AWS as well. Additionally, I am an avid Blogger, a Tech Speaker and a Technical Evangelist by heart. I have multiple Microsoft Certifications, I'm Microsoft Certified Solution Expert, Microsoft Certified Software Developer and Microsoft Certified Solution Associate.
My skills:
-- Backend & Frameworks: C#, ASP.NET, MVC, Web API, .NET, .Net Core, Entity Framework, SendGrid, Ionic, Azure AD, OAuth, OWIN, SignalR
-- Frontend: JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, JQuery, Metronic, JStree, RxJS, Semantic UI, Kendo UI, Bootstrap, Materialize CSS, Prime faces, Razer view engine
-- Databases: SQL Server, Entity Framework, SQLite, MySQL, NHibernate