An innovative, self-motivated, dedicated, task-oriented Software Architect with a deep passion to work with new and cutting edge technologies.
Along the 14+ years of industry experience in research & development with novel technologies, I have gained expertise on vast range of technologies and platforms. Developing NAT traversal solution for VoIP product developers, device driver for Linux, plug-in for Adobe Illustrator, game for Android, augmented reality library for iPhone, tracking app for Android and Symbian platform and developing product using open source projects like PjSIP, Siphon, ReSIPRocate are few of them.
Possess extremely advanced technical, analytical and problem-solving skill.
Have the ability to grasp complex systems quickly and identify opportunities for improvements and resolution of critical issues.
Huge experience in handling multiple projects and staying organized in a dynamic work environment.
Think "outside the box" and work productively in a team.