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avatar of Kévin Azoulay

Kévin Azoulay

Kévin Azoulay has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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French IT student with hell of a weird background, as most of us. I started on my own with codingame.com puzzles / bots in Ruby, great to get fast to algo basics. Did lots of C at school since, and this helps a lot to understand the "behind the scene" of magic languages. A few asm projects allowed me to see the lower level I was needing to know about, machine code, and how to use C the good way. I experienced a bit with Ruby on Rails to say I can do web too, but this is not my thing, too much automation to allow fun to be in. School taught me then about scrpts/web in Php, and yet, another syntax in my toolbelt. I learned a bit of Python, to be able to collaborate easily in hackathons, and discovered how easy is the switch, as long as you don't mess too much with classes.

My new thing is blockchains/consensus stuff, a lot happening these days.