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Kevin Adesara

Kevin Adesara has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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A Sr. Software Engineer responsible for

  1. Design, develop and implement applications that support day-to-day operations.
  2. Provide innovative solutions to clients for complex business problems.
  3. Plan, develop and implement large-scale projects from conception to completion.
  4. Develop and architect lifecycle of projects working on different technologies and platforms.
  5. Interface with clients and gather business requirements and objectives.
  6. Translate clients’ business requirements and objectives into technical applications and solutions.
  7. Design, develop and implement new integration.
  8. Coordinate with designers and product managers for a smoother handoff of work between the teams.
  9. Execute system development and maintenance activities.
  10. Develop solutions to improvise performance and scalability of systems.
  11. Provide technical support and help junior developers.
  12. Conducting interviews of junior developers and hiring.
  13. Update job knowledge by studying state-of-the-art development tools, programming techniques and computing equipment; participating in educational opportunities.

Kevin Adesara questions