Keith lives in SE Florida and specializes in Information Technology applications utilizing web technologies. He has been working in software ever since high school and stepped forward as a professional in the early 1990s. He is very good at figuring out new things on the fly. Technology is always changing. What is hot today is a memory tomorrow. Realizing this early on he spent his time becoming a Self-Sufficient Developer, somebody who can learn new things as they arise. He has demonstrated a passion to be highly proficient in any project he tackles.
With over 20 years of experience Keith has consulted on all aspects of the software development life cycle from design and development to quality assurance and maintenance. He has worked in both the Agile and Water Fall methodologies of software creation, to include Scrum, Kan-ban and XP. Keith has a broad set of skills in the web sphere from light UI design to a deeper server-side knowledge of .NET including Core, Entity Framework, Web Forms, MVC, Web API, C#, VB as well as T-SQL and NoSql.
Some of Keith's highlights include:
Currently, Keith is an independent consultant with 20+ years of industry experience actively pursuing an even deeper understanding of .NET, cloud based security and web development. He is active on Stack Overflow, was a former ASP.NET MVP and a founding member of the ASPInsiders.