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kburnik has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Writing software since the late '90s: exploring the fields of Computer Science, Software Engineering, Machine Learning and Software Development practices.

Started out with Logo, QBasic and Pascal. Onward, written roughly 100Klocs of Python, JavaScript and PHP each and about 10Klocs of C, C++, Java & C#. No stranger to Linux or Windows, a bit less accustomed to Mac and Android, although I did play with Raspberry Pi for a while. :)

Roughly, I spent almost a decade working on web based applications, automating the hell out of things, raising ad-hoc scripts to entire projects, developing programming languages, producing more than a few batch pipelines, building a couple of distributed apps, gluing and wrapping stuff up with APIs, bash & docker, working lazily, proper TDD style or smth in between and mostly debugging the old fashioned way (read the code & print the state). More recently produced some machine learning and genetic algorithms, just for the kicks. Still finding concurrency as the hardest of all (apart from unicode with Python).

Interned at G 4 times, worked in a startup, taught some competitive programming to kids, mentored a few junior devs and actually had direct contact with more than a few clients.

Looks like I'm just getting started! :-)