rotaholic app:flutter framework
prototype of the game-just started: flutter framework
I am self taught dart programmer. Interested in software architecture, software design patterns. Trying to use the knowledge in real projects. For example in 'Rotaholic' app written in 2020.source code and description on github
That was many years ago, in 2003 I remember my first job interview for the accountancy company. I failed on questions related to IT. It motivated me to broaden my horizons on that subject. I started to learn php programming language. I even tried to build some sophisticated website. There were no video tutorials that time. So I learned mainly from books. These books were quite difficult to go through. Not like today we have loads of easy to follow tutorials for each level of advance. Then was time to learn java nothing really serious it was just a hobby.
Then I discovered some online video courses which were affordable very affordable. Especially I got interested in LIBGDX framework for games development. It was really fun for me to see how it is done ,how to program such games. It was the time when I really got involved.
I didn't really understand how important it is to separate logic from presentation. Without such knowledge I did wrote a game. But it was a tedious job. I understood later how important software architecture is.
Working now to create a game ala tangram. Goal of the game to cover a shape with other smaller shapes. .Prototype of the game