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Kamalakar has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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12 Ys +Experienced Senior software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the Insurance Domain.3+years of experience on angular 4 framework.I have Az 900 and AZ 204 certifications. Participating in all phases of a solution delivery process. 1.Plan 2.Develope.3.Build.4.Test.5.Deployement and operations. Experience in architecturing of angular 2.x app from scratch. Good understanding of client server web app architecture. He is working in a global virtual team environment along with NewYork, London and Mumbai. Specialized in Application Lifecycle Management, Paas azure, Angular 4.X,Artificial intelligence,.net Core,WebApi, Build n Release Automation, ASP.NET MVC, Typescript,Mock, Agile. Setting up devops tools and maintaining builds for continuous integration CI/CD using VSTS , designing and coding enterprise framework components and performing code reviews in a fast-paced agile environment. Excellent verbal and written communication skills.Ability to translate business needs into technical requirements.Responsibilities handling like resources management which included interviewing resources, on-boarding them and managing exits.Create Epics & User Stories in VSTS. He has fair bit of working experience on python, Django. Strong engineering professional with a Master of Technology focused in Software. Recently awarded Chatbot innovation challenge award in team. Developed poc on azure bot with LUIS model.Just getting started on azure iot hub, AI, raspberry, arduino.

feel free contact me on skype :kashtankar

TA, Kamal