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K. Kuksin

K. Kuksin has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I'm Certified Full-Stack JavaScript Developer. My programming journey started when I was 13. As an ordinary teenager I was spending a lot of time playing computer games... once I've asked myself: how to modify a game to have more ammunition? and that was it. I've started searching the tutorials and in a short period of time modified game's code to support my needs and that was my first meeting with programming, which made me happy :) After it I've spent months to modify my lovely games, but once I've watched a motivation movie and asked myself: does it worth to spend all your life just playing games? And answer changed my life...

In a few days I've started learning HTML and soon my first web page within a title: "Hello World :)" was published on the free hosting on the Web... soon I've learnt CSS, which was leveraged by me to design and style my websites. Learning this two technologies and practice with them took me about one year. Next step was popular back-end language PHP and RDBMS MySQL. Practice with them shown me a "red border" between front-end, which I've used before and back-end. I've tried to choose one of them to continue with, but soon I got, what they are like Chinese Yin and Yang and one extends another... That was it, I've understand the main concept of Web Development.

Passed two years, I was really expert in it, played with code and examples all days :) And my uncle (software architect) adviced me to learn something different and next year I've spent to learn JAVA and Python, it wasn't different for me, because I had a lot of practice with programming languages before and you know, main thing in programming is understanding of a concepts, syntax isn't too difficult. Time was passed, I've learned tonns of new things, woked on solving quizzes and so on. And one day I became 17 and decided to change my life once more :)

I've changed my daily shedule, included in it family... friends and sport. Worked hard in each sphere and after six months won my first competition in bycicling. It was really difficult and exciting whan you don't know anything (about the sport) and starting to train with professionals... but this experience shown me, that nothing with worth comes it easy... And wish and burning desire of something is a key, which can help us target any goal! Next year I've finished the school and passed to the international university on the Computer Science faculty... Yes, I know it's tooo unexpectedly :)

My last discovery in programming was NodeJS on the back-end and AngularJS on the front-end, I really fall in love with them and spent 1.5 year to master them and all stuff around to use their functionality maximally. Now I'm Certified (By Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) JavaScript Developer and also Sophomore of Computer Science faculty :) So, that's all! Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

K. Kuksin questions