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jwolf has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I’ve been a developer of commercial and enterprise software applications for more than 20 years; working in .NET, Python, SQL, various incarnations of C, PHP (ptooey), and LISP.

I attended The Ohio State University (Go Bucks!) College of Engineering (Go Calculus!) and graduated with a BS in Information Systems / Minor in Geography. Since then I have had extensive, full software-developement-life-cycle experience with a particular emphasis on building predictive numerical modeling systems in fields as laughably diverse as land use evolution and impact projection software, tools for dynamic hydrologic analysis of hazardous waste remediation, and merchandise planning and forecasting systems for a well-known women’s catalog company.

I have written a widely used CASE tool for the LISP language, developed a natural language processing system, built a number of server-side web applications, and released several commercial software products. As a result, I have had clients and customers in nearly every country, including many of the largest companies in the world.

In non-software pursuits, I built and, for several years, ran an award-winning micro-brewery with distribution across much of New England. I enjoy playing piano and guitar, and recently helped start a non-profit, commercial-free music radio station.

I am currently in a serious, long-term relationship with .NET and SQL that has lasted for a decade. We work on our relationship regularly at Microsoft seminars and conferences (but just between you and me, I've been having an affair with Python for years).

I live and work in New Hampshire with my wife and 11-year-old son.