It would be great if someday a really cool high rep user with edit privileges would be willing to go through some of my comments and fix up some of these posts, any volunteers?
Chocolate chip cookies are the best. Cookies containing bananas are not acceptable.
If you would like to opt out of all cookies please contact your local bakery, if you ask them nicely they may give you a weird look and agree to no longer sell you their baked goods.
#define COW 0x04
(MOO, MOO - no, not bovine...)FileBasedResourceGroveler.GrovelForResourceSet()
: (I wonder who came up with the name for this), also: "Consider modifying ... when we figure out serialization compat story..."; looks like they never got around to it.IsNullOK ok = NULL_NOT_OK
: I read that as "Null OK? Ok... NULL_NOT_OK!"In addition to the standard Stack Overflow license I release all content I made on any SE site as public domain.
If you use something I wrote I would appreciate it if you would paste a link to the post in your code or something similar but it is not necessary.
Even if you find something on this site that's a perfect fit for your needs, I recommend taking the time to really understand what the code does rather than copy/pasting it, that way you can become an expert yourself.
FileWriter got away safely
Writer writer = new FileWriter(escaping escaping escaping escaping escaping Contents.SAY_HI)
"It exists!\n", "nt error! won't modify someone else here\n"
"You didn't %c Hit Enter impossible to restore below. Please introduce "