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Joshua Sandoval

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Joshua Sandoval

UX Designer & Developer

My name is Joshua Elijah Sandoval. I'm a web engineer that believes in simplicity and accessibility in a flat design. I currently am an expert in HTML and CSS. I know enough PHP and JavaScript to get by, and expect to expand my understanding through LoadstarCode. I am also learning native C++, for app development. However, despite my programming experience, I'm also a gamer at heart — but I don't play on the job.

I was born of goodly parents, whom I love dearly and will always honor, respect and heed to their counsel and wisdom.

I was raised in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Latter Day Saints). I believe and promote the general equality, freedom, liberation and justice for all men, woman and peoples around the globe. "I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell." (2 Nephi 33:6).

In all, I believe in the church and its doctrine. I have no qualms with people without faith or that attack me because of my faith. I believe in being yourself, as long as that doesn't put others in direct harm. However, as for me, God the Father and Jesus Christ have given me much strength to endure, and they are my treasure.