Hey, I think I would be a great match here. I am passionate about putting useful tools in front of individuals. Time and again I've seen amazing outcomes from the most unexpected places when people are given an opportunity. During the height of the Covid pandemic in the US I endeavored towards this with my work at Open Source Medical Supplies (OSMS - www.opensourcemedicalsupplies.org).
OSMS is a group that came together in March of 2020 as a response to the massive PPE deficits brought on by COVID-19. I have been the frontend dev lead during this time, working alongside a tight-knit group of about 15 others and myriad volunteers. The tool I built is an interface for the at-home / DIY / maker community which provides access to OSMS's ever-evolving database of open source medical designs. They range from sewing patterns for face masks and hospital gowns to complex ventilation machines.
Some technical breakdown: The interface itself is a React/Redux app shoved into WordPress. For the backend we decided to use Airtable (www.airtable.com) as it provides those on our team not technically inclined a friendly interface on top of a highly robust environment.
As frontend lead I worked closely with our backend lead and other key team members to build sensible schemas both for those populating the database as well as for consumption in the frontend. The only major hiccup we encountered was the request rate-limit Airtable imposes. The dev team and I found a solution to this by having a Google Cloud Function which queries our Airtable database, stores the exported JSON as separate files in a gCloud Bucket, which is then referenced by the frontend.
To see this in action, I encourage you to visit www.opensourcemedicalsupplies.org/library
Thanks for your time, hope to hear from you soon!