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Jordan Lev

Jordan Lev has asked 2 questions and find answers to 30 problems.


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I've been developing websites and database-backed web applications professionally since 2004. I'm fluent in the "full stack" of web development: SQL databases, back-end languages (PHP, C#, Ruby, Python), front-end (HTML, CSS, Javascript), web platform (accessibility, usability, SEO, HTTP, REST), testing (TDD, unit/integration/acceptance), tooling (git, webpack, gulp, npm), and of course all the frameworks you can shake a stick at (React/Redux, Vue.js, jQuery, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap, Laravel, Rails, Silex, Slim, Flask, etc).

I am currently a software engineer at World Wide Technology (Application Services), using agile methods to frequently deliver working software to large enterprise clients. I was formerly a senior developer and partner at Web Concentrate. Much of my prior experience is in agency environments -- building lots of marketing and eCommerce sites, usually on content management systems, always with a lot of communication and project management to facilitate ever-changing requirements and deadlines. I've also taught college classes on web development and created many helpful open source tools to make the life of other designers and developers easier.

No matter what I am working on, I'm always driven by a desire to provide a great user experience and a great developer experience.