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avatar of Jordan Duncan

Jordan Duncan

Jordan Duncan has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I'm Jordan, a newly minted software engineer who's passionate about working on projects that address our 21st century global crises. I came to software engineering after spending time as an RNA lab researcher, a journalist and an EMT. While each of those careers are incredibly meaningful, I discovered that I wanted to spend my career in a field with broader direct impact. Personal computing and networked technology is driving every development across every field, in terms of physical materials and intellectual advancements. As a software engineer I want to continue to empower all people, to help enact the ideological changes that ensure inclusiveness and to develop systematic solutions to global problems such as poverty, hunger, health, sustainability and more. We can all work together to make this the best the world has ever been.

Besides my grand professional and optimistic ambitions, I find my balance in many relaxing activities. Meditation is a major key as well as marathon training. I also love to play volleyball, to hike and kayak, to swim and bike. Few things are more enjoyable to me than spending time exploring the great outdoors with even greater friends. I also spend my spare time reading and discussing novels and articles and watching movies or hilarious tv shows. I'm dedicated to putting my privileged life to the best cause of enacting social change, but I also understand the importance of balancing grand ambitions with spending time enjoying this one and only life.