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Jon Robertson

Jon Robertson has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I love creating software that fills someone's need or solves a particular problem. I love problem solving, which is one of the reasons I enjoy software development so much.

I taught myself BASIC at age 9. As a kid, I took every opportunity I could to learn about computers, from reading books and magazines to attending summer programs to computer classes in school. At age 14, I took an Introduction to Programming class at a local college which used PL/1. PL/1 wasn't that bad. It wouldn't be my first choice, but it wouldn't be my last choice either.

I'm a dedicated employee and team member. I prefer to find a job that fits well and stay with it. In 21 years as a software developer, I've worked for three employers. I worked for the first company a total of 7 years and I've worked for my current employer for 12 years.