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John Tilley

John Tilley has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Web developer and media creator with a broad range of knowledge in computing. The first website I created was in 1999 when making Flash animations. I just wanted to figure out how to display them online. Little did I know this would lead onto a career in web development.

Since graduating university I have nearly a decade of experience in industry working with PHP and front end languages. I am familiar with provisioning web servers, designing and building complex systems and then making them aesthetically pleasing. I have a real passion for this line of work.

I’m always looking to broaden my skills and have never felt confined to a specific language. Exercising my capacity to adapt to new tasks is important to me. This industry moves too fast to stand still.

I consider myself to be a full stack web developer. To me being full stack isn’t just know how to spin up a server and manage a database. It extends beyond serving up web pages using a framework. It requires deep knowledge of frontend technologies but more impotantly it means to go beyond and develop a taste for good astetics, understand graphic design concepts. It involves knowing how media is created, even delving into video editing and drawing! The full media stack.