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John has asked 7 questions and find answers to 9 problems.


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I have 25 years experience in hands on software development primarily in Java, JSP, JavaScript and Oracle, MySql, Microsoft SqlServer in a variety of data model types including relational, data warehouse, data mart, star, snowflake, EAV, concept/relation/attribute, etc. with additional extensive experience in other languages such as C++, C#, .Net, Visual Basic, VBA, JavaScript, Perl, Python, shell scripting, etc. I also have extensive experience with data modeling, system architecture, and leadership.

A large part of this work has been done in the context of research and medical records including hands on EMR design and development, extensive experience with medical terminologies and ontologies such as Snomed-CT, Loinc, RxNorm, ICD9, ICD10, NDF-RT, etc., experience with HL7 and other standards such as FHIR and EDI, and extensive experience with payer systems (claims, prior authorizations, etc.).

I also have an extensive leadership background including leading development teams, architecture teams, as well as leading teams in very large cross functional, cross discipline programs.

I am passionate about putting all of these skills together to design, drive, and implement solutions to improve processes, data quality, and data driven decisions.