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John M. P. Knox

John M. P. Knox has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I'm a startup investor, advisor, and someone with a track record of helping teams fix their broken iOS apps, especially Bluetooth (BLE) peripheral integrations. If you need someone who can take a business need and solve it with a mobile app, I can help. I have helped many organizations design and implement a mobile app strategy, including helping several problematic apps ship to the app store or improve their key metrics. I'm also an advisor and investor in growth and seed-stage SaaS software businesses.

Currently, I lead the development of iOS apps at ShiraTronics, a medical device company. I have led the development of sophisticated mobile products, one of which integrates with medical devices. Another app managed connections across a pool of more than 40 BLE peripherals.

I'm probably best known for my work on Skitch, Evernote, and Scannable for iOS.

  • Hire an App Developer: a place to post iOS developer jobs & get career information
  • Mobile Apps: Moving Average Inc.
  • Technology, Culture & Business: Engineering Adventure
  • Craft Beer: HopSafari
  • Photography: flickr
  • Windsurfing: WindAddict

John M. P. Knox questions