● Technical Skills: C#,SQL,Python,Docker,kubernetes,Teamcity,gitlab-ci,tekton,jenkins,vault,github flow,Pipeline creation,Sonarqube,Datadog,AWS,Prometheus,Grafana,Fluentbit,filebeat,metricsbeat,logstash,kibana,Greylog,kubectl,aws-cli,helm,Shell scripting,Powershell,TestComplete,Jira
Monitoring and Observability has been the keep areas. Pipeline creation and intgeration was next focus area during 3 years of Devops Role at Gadgeon working for Korewireless.
Work Experience
GadgEon Smart Systems Pvt Ltd Post:Technical Lead Duration:Feb 2019-Present Developing the test automation framework for API tests,based on Xunit Runner and Nuget. Building the scripts in Teamcity using kotlin and working with other tech teams for docker deployment using kotlin scripts. Migration of projects which had used docker run to kubernetes cluster Using rancher for orchestration and Jira for Ticket and task tracking POC's on gocd,tekton,argocd,drone and gitlab CI/CD tools for comparing with teamcity. Working on multistage docker files and docker in docker scripts for effective conterisation. Using prometheus and grafana for monitoring.Working with teamcity and agents for issues and new deployments. Used Graylog and Sirilog as different log systems.Used kubectl commands for analysing the pods and services.Bridging the gap between dev ,qa and sys eng .Working as devops engineer who can pinpoint to the issues and track down issues in stipulated time. Administration of groups and projects in gitlab. Bringing up applications in aws .Vault
Millennium Infologic Post: Senior Software Test Engineer Duration: May 2017-Jan 2019 ERP Solution for Order and Inventory Management Description: Working on developing an ERP for millennium mats. The Product involves the different modules like inventory management, Order management , Accounts management ,Customer /Vendor management etc. Currently working on order management module and inventory management module. ● Leading the testing team of 4 ,working on both manual and automation of test cases ● Working with Visual Studio 2017 for using Selenium webdriver for writing functional test cases. ● Working the design team to convert existing desktop application to ERP system web based. ● Test case creation and Bug reporting in Visual Studio Team Services ● Writing the Nunit Tests
Strands Energy
Post: Software Engineer
Strands Energy into automation in energy management.Development of the product Wave(C#) which acts as medium of communication between renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy and switches between the resources for effective energy management.
Product Development using C# in Visual Studio 2010
Writing the Unit tests in NUnit which can be run in Visual Studio and Teamcity.
Working with MSSQL.
Test Cases Creation using ZEPHYR
Issue Reporting with JIRA
Automation of tests with SmartBear TestComplete.