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Joe Iddon

Joe Iddon has asked 1 questions and find answers to 53 problems.


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A student that dabbles in some javascript, c++ and python.

I make a lot of Arduino projects, attempt Project Eulers and make stuff in the HTML5 Canvas.

You can see my work over at my website. Alternatively, I have some stuff over on my GitHub which I haven't posted there.

project eulerflair2

Some of my favourite answers:

  • Get all coordinates points within known boundaries in a numpy matrix for each dot
  • Check if elements occur together in all lists?
  • Auto-generate json paths from given json structure using Python
  • Is there a str.replace equivalent for sequence in general?
  • Python loops or any iterations to find all the combinations such that a condition is satisfied
  • Find index inside a list of tuples
  • Using a list comprehension to look up variables works with globals() but not locals(). Why?
  • How does python's SimpleHTTPServer do_GET and do_POST functions work?
  • Return 2nd smallest item in list using only recursion
  • How to receive 5-digit data from Arduino using Pyserial?
  • Writing nested dictionary (forest) of a huge depth to a text file in BFS style
  • Can a Robot reach a Point (x, y)?
  • Regex to match commas that are not in an array (enclosed in square brackets)
  • Check if list element is a sub-element of those in another list with Python

Oh, and if you code anything in Python, then read the Zen of Python or import this in the interpreter.

My profile picture is from this simulation of a rotating tetrahedron I made using my 3D engine.