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avatar of João Pinho

João Pinho

João Pinho has asked 0 questions and find answers to 17 problems.


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João is a talented Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience working on the field. He has always worked very closely with clients, doing analysis and requirements elicitation, and over time he has gained an innate skill to solve business needs using software.

Since the beginning of his career João has specialised mainly on server side solutions, but his curiosity and eagerness to learn, quickly pushed him to explore all the angles of an application. This has enabled him to be as proficient on the frontend, as he is on the backend. He is also experienced on DevOps work using technologies such as Kubernetes, Docker, Shell Script and Jenkins Pipelines.

João will often be seen as a front line leader, who can influence decisions without imposing his own opinions and who likes to empower other teammates in order to achieve cohesive teams. With a strong theoretical and practical background, he likes to drive and participate on architectural decisions. On the past 3 years, he has been focused in Java/JVM-based applications using Spark, Spring Boot and Dropwizard, SPAs using ReactJS, Redux, ReactiveX and Angular, and also NodeJS with Typescript. His personal objectives are to deepen his knowledges in Functional Programming using TypeScript, ReactiveX RxJS, Linux CGroups, 12 factor applications and learn more about React Native Applications.

He holds a MSc in Computer Science Engineering with a Major in Embedded Systems from the University of Lisbon. On his spare time he likes to explore the capabilities of a small MCU, called ESP32 for home automation applications.

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