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avatar of Joachim H. Skeie

Joachim H. Skeie

Joachim H. Skeie has asked 5 questions and find answers to 16 problems.


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I am a full-stack Software Developer, Author and Conference organizer.

In August 2012 I started a company, Haagen Software, with the long-term goal of creating a fully open sourced Application Monitoring solution, Montric. I am currently busy on bootstrapping my company as well as Montric, while working as a senior consultant within both Java and Web technologies.

I am the author of Ember.js in Action, an Ember.js book that will be published in November 2013 by publishing experts Manning Publications. If you would like to get a head start on the Ember.js all chapters are available through the Manning Early Access Program right now!

From January to May 2014, I will be teaching a programming course for children aged 11 to 16. In the process, I hope to be able to write an open source and freely available book with the contents and the results. You can support our efforts via IndieGoGo!

Together with a handful of dedicated people from the European Ember.js community, I am leading the organization of an annual Ember.js related European conference called Ember Fest.

I am a member of the Board at the Java User Group in Norway (javaBin), where we host monthly meetings throughout Norway, as well as one of Europes larges tech conference, JavaZone.

Articles and Presentations:

Article: Web Aplications Done Right (InfoQ) Article: Effective Application Profiling with Open Source Tools (Info) Article: Statecharts in Sproutcore (Official SproutCore Blog)