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Jieqin has asked 2 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I am currently a Senior in Computer Science in Real Time Interactive Simulation at DigiPen Institute of Technology, Singapore (SIT)

I was first exposed to programming in my secondary school days. I've made the leap to purchase a domain and a hosting package. Then I started practicing PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS and PHP.

Then I went to Temasek Polytechnic where I learned C#, SQL. I also created Windows Applications and Android Applications for my final year project.

When I was serving my NS, I had some free time here and there. I continued to hone my PHP and CSS skills with my still existing web domain.

Upon entering DigiPen, I started practicing C/C++ everyday - almost every project uses C++ in DigiPen. On the side, I've been practicing Bash to create Telegram Bots to reduce things I needed to do repetatively. I've also created a few scripts, parsing HDB websites to detect changes in units, sending them to people who are balloting for BTO.

I love to tinker.