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Jerome Maurey-Delaunay

Jerome Maurey-Delaunay has asked 0 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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For over a decade I have helped agencies and their clients develop both online and offline, complex and immersive, interactive experiences across platforms and devices.

These projects span from web applications for multinational corporations like Tata Communications , R&D interfaces on embedded devices, tradeshow installations for the Avionics industry to 3D architecture pre-visualisation apps for the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg.

I have worked with the talented people at STC Associates in NYC and Neutral in London.

Although I try to remain platform agnostic when approaching new projects, my focus lately has been on Unity3D, Scaleform, Flash & AIR, modern web technologies like WebGl & CSS3D and Native iOs & Android.

Expert in ActionScript 3, proficient in C# & Javascript and experienced in Objective-C & Java.

I am an Away3D contributor and like to build projects atop great libraries like Three.js, Robotlegs, Starling & Feathers, MotionNexus, PureMVC, and jQuery... To name a few ;-)

In my spare time I like to develop mobile apps, tinker with Processing, Arduino and Makey Makey, model and 3D print things on my Printrbot Jr.