I'm a hybrid developer, with experience ranging from 20 years of Photoshop work to Fortune 500 intranet application development. I've done more than my fair share of dabbling in Classic ASP, Flash, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and other languages during my career, and I'm always excited to try out new tools.
I developed methods for asynchronous page updates before XMLHttp was built into most browsers using a MacGuyver-esque collusion of Flash and Classic ASP, was writing dynamic Flash into browsers before the EOLAS debacle, and have a general disdain for blind allegiance to techniques with no regard to understanding of their benefits and consequences.
My general focus has been on front-end, UI and UX work, with a goal of making design decisions that are flexible and efficient. My mentor taught me the joys of Occam's Razor, a device I seek to employ in every possible situation.
When I'm not haunting the halls of programming, I'm probably either gaming, reading, drawing or making a fool of myself on a stage somewhere.
Likes: clean code, small, fast data transactions, a sense of craftsmanship, fun problems, learning and helping others learn at the same time
Dislikes: willful ignorance, overuse of <br/>
tags, sloppy markup and lazy CSS, and did I mention I REALLY hate the abuse of the <br/>