Because of publishing problems of...
...the whole thread has moved to:
I wasn't in the mood to post the solution for that problem three times, sorry. The thread on the SuperUser site got deleted again:
a) because I posted my answer together with the question (but I should wait many hours there first),
b) because I didn't want to cause people to think about a problem which was solved already,
c) and because it was really insolent to edit and to delete the answer without to inform the originator of the post first.
Either the the SuperUser site becomes more user-friendly like StackOverflow, or they have seen me the last time there. The StackOverflow site offered me the option to post the answer together with the question, too. I await the same from the SuperUser site.
Please tell me if SuperUser also wants to become a knowledge database sometime, but at the moment it doesn't look like that for me, they don't really have an interest in solutions for problems. The discussion about when to post an answer there seems to be the bigger problem there at the moment. In other words: Something is wrong there. Wrong priorities. ???