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avatar of James Drinkard

James Drinkard

James Drinkard has asked 17 questions and find answers to 49 problems.


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Software developer living in St. Charles, Missouri with 22+ years experience in programming with 20 years of JAVA. While I certainly don't claim to know everything, I have a reputation for finding solutions and getting the job done in a professional manner.

I made a career change to go into full-time programming in 1999 and have never regretted the decision.

When I wasn't at work, I liked to study and experiment with code, read, and fix things. I am curious by nature.

Coding is the most rewarding career I can think of. I never get tired of learning and doing new things in it.

Currently not working, but I stay somewhat active on SO to help when I can and give back to the community. Helping people is a worthy goal in life, it transcends professions. I may return to work after a year sabbatical.