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Jack has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I am currently working as a software development technician for Town and Country Housing. I have grown up around computers and they have pretty much always been a main focus in my life when it comes to hobby's, goals and aspirations, interests and most importantly for me work. Since my first proper tower i have always built and fixed my own computers and also some other peoples as well. I love that computers and endlessly evolving and we most likely will never run out of use for them this is what makes the industry so exciting. I also like that someone can come to me with a problem that they have no idea how to solve and i can break it down piece by piece and fix the issue, I can also then explain to them in simple terms how it works and help them understand it which for me is a fulfilling experience. I have not been in the IT industry for very long but in the short period i have worked in it i have learnt a lot and am dedicated to learning a lot more. currently i have a decent range of skills in it that range from basic to advanced knowledge in each field. Something i also like about the IT industry is that you have a team of people around you, you can collaborate with and solve issues or build software with. This really comes into effect when carrying out first line support where you get to meet people and help them with their problems. For example when you hand them their brand new company iPad and their face lights up with excitement.

Jack questions