About me.
I'm a passionate developer who is keen on seeking new technologies related to web or mobile development. I'm currently working as a JEE programmer analyst with frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, JQuery or Apache CXF.
Besides that I'm really interested in others frameworks such as Grails, Ruby or Node.js. I'm also taking my first steps in the front-end layer (Backbone.js, Express.js, Jade, Sass ...). It's pretty nice how is integrating lately with other mobile technologies like JQuery Mobile and PhoneGap.
I'm always looking for new things to learn too. Lately, I'm really interested in cloud computing and NoSQL technologies, such as Amazon Web Services, Google App Engine, Cloud Foundry or Heroku. I'm starting with some new cool stuff like Hadoop, MongoDB or MemCached.
I've been writting apps getting the information from some REST API (Twitter, Yahoo or Google) lately. You can take a look at:
I do like writing in my blog as well. Since I started to write it, I became interested in SEO issues, Wordpress administration, ...