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itsmnthn has asked 1 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I am a freelancer and I work on the automation tasks and web scraping task that can be both personal use and commercial use, I also develop websites and APIs using Django framework of python.

Why/when you should contact me? 1. You are doing some task repeatedly/regularly on any website it can be yours or others and you want computer to finish that task as you do without you with more accuracy and speed.

  1. You want some listing offline to process or want to build database for big purposes and you have access to it and you are grabbing that by copy pasting there I can release some stress of you.

  2. You want to build simple website for your self or for your business you are always welcome to discuss the project.

  3. You want yo build webapps that is going to be big products of yours I will be happy to be part of it.

  4. You want to learn about web development and the concepts of it or need advice drop me message I will try my best to show you all the paths and help you to determine which you wanna take.