I'm a Java EE architect and developer.
I like building web applications using the following Java stack:
(Tomcat|Jetty|Java EE Appservers)/Spring/(Hibernate|EclipseLink)/Maven/HTML5/Web frameworks too many to mention (JSF, JSP, Javascript toolkits, Wicket, a bit of Spring Webflow), the usual Java libraries like c3p0, bonecp, apache commons, javamail, etc.
I also have experience with MYSQL, Postgresql, Oracle databases and have some hands on experience with high scalability stuff (clustered Tomcat, distributed caches, Apache httpd as a fronted for many Tomcat instances, etc.)
For small projects I usually also do Linux configuration like installing httpd/tomcat/DB and configuring all these together with iptables, postfix, dovecot, awstats etc.
Check out my blog for Java stuff and to see what I've been doing lately.