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Igor has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I entered in the digital world when I was 15 years old in 1982 when, hard to believe now, there was hardware but not software: if you did not want your new computer was an expensive ornament, you had to program it. I started developing video games for specialized magazines and then, at the age of 21, one of my projects run on a European Space Agency satellite around the globe. I graduated as a Doctor in Computer Science at the University of Pisa and I got a Master in Graphic Design and Management at IED in Milan. I dealt also with art direction and stage direction, I participated to big international productions and my shows have been transmitted by the TV networks of every continent. My background and many years of experience in visual communication, web marketing and software design, have equipped me with a natural predisposition to problem solving, always tackled with dedicated approaches and without the compromise of pre-packaged templates. In a nutshell this means that when a customer asks me for a solution, I use a method that today is unusual: I do not Google for the answer... simply it is not my instinct.