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avatar of idz


idz has asked 0 questions and find answers to 43 problems.


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Twitter: @iOSDevZone

My website has lots of some tutorials on iOS programming. See the list of All Tutorials

Why I'm on SO: Hoping to pass on some of the tricks I've learned and learn some new ones thereby disproving an old adage about dogs (or should that be an adage about old dogs?).

Background & Qualifications:

I have degrees in mathematics and computer engineering.

Professionally I use mostly C and C++ (for utilities I use Java, Perl, PHP, bash and even Prolog and LISP -- the right tool for the right job). I work a lot with big data sets and algorithmic optimization.

Recreationally I use Objective-C, C++ and C for iOS tinkering.

I have been both a programmer and manager on large projects.

iOS Developers (Freelancers/Contractors): I am thinking of adding a section to my (nascent) website with contact information and links to freelancers and contractors. Since it is early days for my site it will be free (for at least 3 months), after that if I start getting a bizillion visitors a day we can negotiate ;-) If you are interested drop me an email: idz at mywebsite. Cheers!