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avatar of Ian Emnace

Ian Emnace

Ian Emnace has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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About Me

Hi, I'm Ian. You may also know me as Zac (short for Isaac).

I've worked mainly in health-tech, where I develop comprehensive health facility management systems (along with a small core team of developers), which are being used to serve over a million patients across the Philippines.

I come from a physics background, having studied it in my undergrad. I've since been developing software, with a knack for technical complexity and the cutting edge.

My analytical nature, combined with a natural yearning to make complex systems simple and elegant, allows me to work with deeply technical concepts and turn them into products for the everyday user.

My latest work revolves around zero-knowledge proofs, blockchain, and their applications in health-tech.

What I Love

I am a web developer. I enjoy working with React. I work professionally with Vue, Node.js, and MongoDB, among others.

Vim is my text editor of choice. Check out my Vim dotfiles for starters, or browse my repositories to find some of the stand-alone plugins I've authored.

I use Linux as my main operating system. I enjoy working in my terminal. I prefer keyboard-driven software in general. Check out my dotfiles!

I love open-source. Most of my daily drivers are open-source software. I also author my own open-source contributions. Find them here, on Github!

I love physics. I love understanding the universe on a theoretical level. My undergraduate studies were in Applied Physics. I enjoy browsing the Physics Stack Exchange for brain-tickling discussion.

I enjoy discussion about software. Catch me on IRC: igemnace on libera.chat. I frequent the following channels:

  • #vim
  • #archlinux
  • #bash
  • #emacs
  • #node.js
  • #commonlisp
  • #git
  • #sr.ht