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Hugo Logmans

Hugo Logmans has asked 0 questions and find answers to 19 problems.


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Programmer since 8088, when I was 12 years old...

Formerly programming with : Visual C# (including Xamarin iOS and Android, > 8 yrs exp.), Delphi XE (> 10 yrs exp.), Ruby on Rails (6 yrs exp.).

My Xamarin profile: click here

MVC, MVVM, Xamarin.Forms (including MVVMCross)

Dutch fiscal and payroll specialist. Combining fiscal knowledge with software development.

Was lead programmer on: - Apps for the Belastingdienst Mobile Competence Center, Rijkswaterstaat, etc - Loonberekeningstoepassing (used by Dutch Treasury for payroll calculations, Delphi Win32, online limited version in Ruby on www.paycheckweb.nl) - DataFiscaal (iOS/Adnroid app for displaying fiscal data with calculation options) - Kluwer Memo App (iOS/Android app for displaying booklet with calculation options) - Kluwer RJ App (iOS/Android app with over 1000 pages of complex financial book content, searchable and linkable, active content scheduled) - Kinderopvangtoeslag (iOS app for detailed calculations on fiscal side of childcare) - Kluwer PayCheck (Win32 software for payroll calculations)

Many more projects done, but the above will give you an idea what I can and what I do.