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haythem souissi

haythem souissi has asked 18 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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My core competency lies in Android development. I build nice and fast applications that uses Android SDK; I use cutting edge technologies and latest versions of the SDK while keeping compatibility with older Android APIs.

I have experience in those areas: - Experience with Android UI design (including custom views) - Experience writing Android clients for Web Services (REST, RPC, and/or SOAP) - Experience with Android Activities and Fragments - Experience with multi-threaded development on Android platforms - Firm understanding of Intents, ContentProviders, Services, BroadcastReceivers, AsyncTask, Handlers and AIDL. - Experience with SQL Lite on Android - Experience with object-oriented design and design patterns - Experience using source code control systems such as Git - Knowledge of JSON and XML parsing, and/or DOM traversal. - Knowledge of work in an Agile development environment - Excellent verbal and written communication skills required -Creative problem solving skills and ability to effectively communicate and translate feedback, needs and solutions - I have strong teamwork orientation and the ability to foster collaboration within and across teams - Experience as developer on App(s) publicly available in the Google Play App Market - Experience with native Android UI development for phones and tablets (multi-resolutions, resource utilization such as images, layouts, strings) - Awareness of the Android UI/UX guidelines - Experience with mapping and search providers - Experience with other Google APIs (licensing, in-app billing, etc) - Experience developing Android Widgets ...

Skills: - JSON et XML - Matérial Design - SQLite - Retrofit - JavaRx - Picture-in-Picture mode - Notifications - Autofill framework - WebView APIs - Multi-display support - Pointer capture - Android TV launcher - Animations - Content providers - MediaPlayer - File management - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Companion device pairing - Permissions - Multi-window Support - Vulkan API 3D - Multi-locale Support - Emojis Android - Geolocation - OpenGL - Printer et Printing - Frame Metrics API - AudioManager - Camera - NFC - Storage - Graphics

I am seeking opportunities to build Android applications from the ground up for you or your business. I am looking for Long Term Partnership.